Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Look what I got!

It seems my week is starting to look up. I received some great comments on my last post regarding my paper rejection, Dr. K, agreed with me almost 100% about the reviews and how to address them and I received two (yes, two) awards simultaneously from Mad Hatter. Hell yes!
In addition to displaying these awards on my blog, I must post a link to the blogger that awarded them to me and then pass the awards on to other people. Seven, to be exact. I'll see what I can do.
I will pass the angel in a prom dress on wave thing award and the rainbow prism award (that I swear says 2005 every time I look at it) to :

1. Nondiscovery Blog. This blogger left the most horrible comment on my blog after I tagging him for the last meme. For that, NDB gets an automatic tag. Hey, NDB. What do you think about that?
2. chall*
3. Wayward Elf
4. Rhea Miller

* I tried not to duplicate, but Dr. A also nominated chall.

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